As of April 2023, COVID19 protocols (screening, mandatory masking and frequent disinfection) have been relaxed. Masking remains optional. If you would like me to wear a mask during your visit, please let me know.

Virtual appointments via Jane’s secure Telehealth platform continue to be available.

Thank You!

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care profession that focuses on prevention and uses natural methods to promote healing. Naturopathic Doctors are registered, provincially regulated, general practitioners of natural health care who employ a wide range of therapies to provide an individualized, whole person approach to treat both acute and chronic health issues. Therapies include: acu... Read More

Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care profession that focuses on prevention and uses natural methods to promote healing. Naturopathic Doctors are registered, provincially regulated, general practitioners of natural health care who employ a wide range of therapies to provide an individualized, whole person approach to treat both acute and chronic health issues. Therapies include: acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine, botanical (herbal) medicine, nutritional supplements, homeopathic medicine, clinical nutrition counselling, and lifestyle assessment & counselling.

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Located at: 87 Teal Dr., Guelph
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